Three Mile Island (1979) Chernobyl (1986) Fukushima (2011) Hanford (2017) “This affects all of us.”
On March 28, 1979, Three Mile Island suffered a meltdown, the world’s first at a commercial nuclear plant.
Due to its invisible, insidious, and latent nature, we, those in the four counties surrounding Three Mile Island (TMI) are now beginning to see the long-term effects of being exposed to ionizing radiation - including the second and third generation forty-three years later.
Radioactive isotope iodine-131 was “accidentally” and deliberately released from the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in 1979 into the air and the Susquehanna River, the drinking water to 6 million. [1]
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017, Three Mile Island announced, it would close in 2019. [2]
Dr. Goldenberg of the Hershey Medical Center and Penn State University College of Medicine published a molecular medical study that links thyroid cancer to the 1979 nuclear accident at TMI the next day. [3]
Iodine-131 mimics and replaces iodide in the body when radioactive food and water are ingested and taking ‘KI’ or potassium iodide tablets can prevent thyroid cancer. [4]
In 1979 during TMI’s nuclear accident, President Carter ordered 237,013 dosages of potassium iodide for the people of central Pennsylvania, but it was not distributed.
The nuclear industry knew it would be a death sentence for its business. [5]
And since 2001, potassium iodide tablets are distributed for free to those living near nuclear plants in 36 states including Pennsylvania with its 5 operating nuclear plants,
3 on the Susquehanna River because they know Iodine-131 causes thyroid cancer. [6]
Strontium-90 is called the “bone seeker” by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because it mimics and replaces calcium in the body. It is known to cause blood and bone cancers like multiple myeloma and leukemia. Its half-life is 28.8 years. [7]
Cesium-137 mimics and replaces potassium in the body and is known to cause brain cancer and tumors, cancers of the soft organs, and neurological diseases. Its half-life is 30.17 years. [8]
In 2012, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. My younger brother was also diagnosed with a brain tumor, basal cell carcinoma, and thyroid cancer.
We lived 12.33 miles south of TMI in East York and were teenagers, running at track practice on March 28, 1979, the day TMI’s nuclear reactor melted down, and delivering newspapers that night - and the same the next day...
Too many in the four counties surrounding TMI are sick or have died too soon including now children and babies.
My advocacy in D.C. this month and in my home state of Pennsylvania is for them: the 5,000+ TMI survivors and the families of the victims. [9]
I wrote a screenplay PLUTONIUM SKIES to tell the truth about Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, a “Super Plant”.
We encourage all TMI Survivors and Families of the Victims to complete our health study. [10]
We have more than 4,500 TMI survivors are members in our Three Mile Island Survivors Facebook group at this time. [11] They have shared their diagnoses, and more are coming in each day.
Interactive Map of TMI Cancers and Diseases [12]
These radioactive isotopes were also released into our air and water beginning in 1939 during the Manhattan Project when the two bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and then with the 67 atomic bombs exploded on and beneath the Pacific Ocean (1945-1970) and the 1,021 atomic bomb exploded in and below the deserts of Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico plus and other accidents worldwide. [13]
In 1986, radioactive fallout from Chernobyl’s nuclear disaster hit 40% of European countries and contaminated food in 15 countries. [14]
The triple meltdown at Fukushima in 2011 closed fisheries and its fallout has reached the U.S. Pacific shoreline. [15]
TMI’s meltdown of the nuclear reactor, a 50% meltdown, resulted in a 2.5 by 5 foot hole, which was not visually confirmed until 5 years later. [16]
TMI’s meltdown was not discovered until the summer of 1984 when cameras could be placed inside. [17]
Hundreds of workers went inside TMI’s Unit-2 to clean up, but due to high readings of radiation could stay no longer 40 minutes.
They were exposed to a two-year dosage of radiation. One is still alive; he has transcripts and photos of his time inside TMI’s Unit-2 nuclear reactor vessel. [18]
On May 9, 2017, the tunnel collapse at Hanford Nuclear Waste Site in Washington State where plutonium-239 with a half-life of 24,100 has been stored for decades, demonstrating that the nuclear industry still does not know how to store nuclear waste safely. [19]
Need more evidence? Just Google the word ‘leak’ and any of these atomic or nuclear sites: Hanford, San Onofre, Diablo, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Cold Water Creek, Rocky Flats, Indian Point, Turkey Point ...
Radioactive waste from the 439 nuclear reactors worldwide is now the most disturbing problem facing the nuclear industry and with no long-term or safe place the highly radioactive waste that keep accumulating every 18-24 months when new fuel must replace the ‘spent’ fuel rods inside each and every nuclear reactor worldwide. [20]
Now with Putin threatening to bomb the six nuclear reactors in Ukraine, security of these facilities is even a bigger concern and also do to the fact that each plant contains weapon-grade nuclear bomb material. [21]
Still, the nuclear industry continues to build today: 60 new reactors in 15 countries. [22]
Nuclear is not safe, clean, or green - as the industry continues to sell it.
Too many have died already and will continue to die due to its latent nature and its insidious exposure - due to the fact that you cannot see radioactive isotopes (also called ionizing radiation) it is invisible…
You cannot smell it. You cannot hear it. You cannot taste it. And you cannot feel it on your skin, either.
My goal for the last the decade has always been to increase the awareness of the long-term effects of radiation and action: the necessity to “GO Green!” now.
We are requesting that Congress implement independent epidemiology health studies, soil and water testing, and enlist into law a Clean Soil Act, so that the dark truth about nuclear power will be evident and prove it is not our future’s energy solution.
Unlike the movie, ERIN BROCKOVICH, this story is still happening now.
Unfortunately, it is not “anecdotal” either - but this is real-life people’s lives and their true diagnoses.
Film is a powerful medium and another way to entice change.
PLUTONIUM SKIES an original screenplay written by Jill Murphy Long
Concept trailer:
For additional details, please request the film’s LOOKBOOK.
Currently, we at JML ADVOCATES and JML FILMS are using all of our creative and collective talents and skills to increase awareness and action by any means, so we can entice change now including but not limited to epidemiology health studies, soil and water testing, new laws, and our forthcoming film PLUTONIUM SKIES and TV series POWERHOUSE.
We thank you for your interest and assistance.
Thank you,
Jill Murphy Long
Executive Producer & Screenwriter
970 846 1428 PST
Sources cited:
[1] PDF: Report of The President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island. Published 10/29/1979
[3] Pdf: Molecular Medical Study May 2017 Thyroid Cancer & TMI. Published 05/31/2017
[5] PDF: Report of The President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island. See link to PDF above. Published 10/29/1979
[9] Video: MELTDOWN: 43 Years Later
[15] Video: Radioactive Pacific Coast
[18] Phone and in-person Interview. Carlisle, PA 08/13/2017