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TMI Health Effects MAP & Survey (1979-2022...)

Jill Murphy Long

If you lived in central Pennsylvania in 1979 and afterwards during the 14-year decommissioning of Unit-2 at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant, or now during the 60-year decommissioning of the entire plant, we want to count you, too.

FYI: They are just going to store TMI's radiaoctive garbage on the island in the middle of the Susquehanna River, our drinking water.

If you have been diagnosed with

cancers of the soft organs of the body including the brain

neurological diseases like MS


tumors of the brain and central nervous system

please complete our TMI Health Survey.

See link below and share.

It is only 10 questions and the diseases are listed for you to check the box (or boxes).

I know many of you have suffered more than just one diagnosis. (I am up to 4 now.)

For privacy, I will not include your name on the map, but the rest of the world needs to see what did happen to the good people of central Pennsylvania in 1979 - and continues today, so we can have action taken. Why is it always the victim that has to prove what happened?

We know firsthand what happened.

Unfortunately, we are the test subjects.

More than 500 of our friends, classmates, teachers, and neighbors have stood up and spoken out now, and just too many children are sick, and now so are our grandchildren.

On the Three Mile Island Survivors Facebook private group, there are 4,500 sharing their diagnoses and memories. We need to count everyone.

This - our diseases - is the legacy of nuclear power.

After atomic was rebranded to nuclear after World War II.

They did not think we would connect the dots.

After studying what happened at TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima and the many other leaks around the world, it is still radiation.

It is still ionizing radiation.

And it presents decades later - like now 43 years later.

Nuclear is not green or clean - or as we who lived, worked, or attended college nearby know.

And after reviewing this map, we know that nuclear is not safe, either.

Please complete this survey. (Thank you if you have!)

TMI HEALTH SURVEY: Survivors & Victims

Please share with others. Just cut and paste this link, both, or either one, and post on your social media.

I would appreciate the help in getting the word to those in the other counties around TMI.

I am from York County.

I am a survivor, too.

Thank you,

Jill Murphy Long




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Click HERE to complete and share the Three Mile Island Health Survey.

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Three Mile Island Health Effects 1979 to Current-Day:

Screenshot TMI MAP.png


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